terms & conditions
This website its images and content are the intellectual property of Jeanette and David Lewis and "Lewis and Lewis".
It is covered by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom, and therefore no part of it may be copied for personal use or profit.
Most of the images have a visual or hidden watermark, to remind those who may be tempted to copy them; not to do so. We also retain copyright for actual statuary created by Jeanette, any actual unlawful copying or taking impressions of such works is prohibited by law.
We reserve the right to change any part of this site without prior notice.
Your co-operation is much appreciated.
All images, text, and other content on this website are copyright © Lewis and Lewis (unless otherwise stated) and are materials protected by international law. All rights are reserved. Lewis and Lewis prohibits the downloading or use of these protected materials, except for the purposes stated below.
​USES WHICH ARE PERMITTED: Terms and Conditions (Please see section 7 as of January 1st 2017.)
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Name of artist or author + title of art work + copyright notice [copyright © Lewis and Lewis ‘YEAR’] + Lewis and Lewis website address.
For example: Sculpture by Jeanette Lewis ‘ Saint John Vianney" copyright © Lewis and Lewis 2015 www.jlewisstatues.co.uk
(3) USE WILL NOT DENIGRATE THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION: Users may not use the protected materials in any way which denigrates the Christian religion in general or the Roman Catholic faith in particular, and they may not use the protected materials in association with any other material which denigrates the Christian religion in general or the Roman Catholic faith in particular.
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(7)CESSATION OF PERMISSIONS The permissions granted here in this policy are valid only until the end of 2015, and they cease on 1 January 2017. from this date forward all permissions will not be granted without written requests to ourselves for our consideration.
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