And Prayer for the conversion of England.

In 1381, England was troubled by the peasants revolt against their landlords. The 14
year old King Richard II placed England under Our Lady's maternal protection, dedicating it to her as her Dowry.
Our Lady of Walsingham restored for Fr. Blackburne
Pope Leo XIII is attributed with the prophecy, 'When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England'. In 1893 he asked the Bishops of England to consecrate their country to Mary once again.
In 1897, he asked for the rebuilding of the Holy House at Walsingham (which had been destroyed during the reformation). The chapel (now known as the slipper chapel) enabled pilgrims to visit the shrine once again.
Interestingly, it was Pope Leo XIII's vision of demonic spirits (1890) descending on the eternal city, which prompted him to add the St. Michael prayer to the end of low mass. Clearly a man of deep prayer, his interest in England begs the question; had he a
also received an insight into the spiritual needs of England?
From 2018 to 2020, the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham (from the Slipper Chapel) was to visit every Cathedral in England, inviting the faithful to personally dedicate and consecrate themselves to her. This was in preparation for the day of re-dedication of England to Our Lady, which was planned for March 2020.
On the feast of the Annunciation 2020, Masses would be celebrated simultaneously in cathedrals and churches across the country. The focal point of the dedication being the celebrant at the marian shrine of Walsingham, would use the same vows made by King Richard II.
The onset of the pandemic meant that people could not visit Walsingham, however in a strange twist of fate, Walsingham was brought to them. Monsignor John Armitage, rector of Our Lady of Walsingham shrine, relayed the service via the internet! Perhaps in this way, more people were introduced to Our Lady of Walsingham, protectress of England.
A Prayer for the Conversion of England
Our Lady of Walsingham restored for Fr. Ackerman
Jesus, Convert England!
Jesus, Have Mercy On This Country!
(Prayer of Blessed Henry Heath OSF)
Hail Mary...
Our Lady of Ransom... Pray for us
Our Lady of Walsingham... Pray for us
St. Gregory the Great... Pray for us
St. Augustine of Canterbury... Pray for us
St. George... Pray for us
St. Edward the Confessor, King... Pray for us
St. Oswald, King ...Pray for us
St. Thomas Becket... Pray for us
St. John Fisher... Pray for us
St. Thomas More... Pray for us
St. Margaret Clitherow... Pray for us
St. John Henry Newman... Pray for us
Blessed Henry Heath... Pray for us
Blessed English Martyrs... Pray for us
All saints of England... Pray for us
England Ransomer Prayer.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon England, Thy Dowry, and upon all of us who greatly hope and trust in Thee. By Thee it was that Jesus, our Saviour and our hope was given unto the world; and He has given Thee to us that we might hope still more.
Plead for us Thy children whom Thou did receive and accept at the foot of the Cross O sorrowful Mother.
Intercede for our separated brethren, that with us in the one true fold we may all be united under the chief shepherd of Christ's flock, and that by faith and fruitful in good works we may all deserve to see and praise God together with Thee, in our heavenly home.